MAVDIKAR GROUP of company.
Extensive experience of THREE decades in the transportation of Petro-Chemicals.
Manufactures Specialty Petro-Chemicals solvents like PENTANE & HEXANE since July 2002.
M/S. DATTA HYDRO CHEM PRIVATE LIMITED, the company belongs to Mavdikar Group having a record of nearly three decades in Petrochemicals transportation & allied activities, has recently endeavored in the field of manufacturing Petrochemical Speciality Solvents under the banner of M/s. Datta Hydro Chem Pvt. Ltd.(DHCPL) located in a fully developed chemical zone, at MIDC KURKUMBH, Dist:Pune, Maharashtra, India. The unit situated 80Kms. away from Pune on National Highway No.9, commenced its commercial production from July 2002.

The company has plans to manufacture other petrochemical solvents as import substitutes like Heptanes, Electronic Grade Hydrocarbons and allied specialty products. A valuable feature of ‘DHCPL’ is cent-percent indigenous nature. The technical know-how, the equipments in the plant and the raw materials used are fully indigenous.

Mainly the plant is setup on BATCH PROCESS to maintain lowest impurity levels. A close monitoring of the specification of the products is carried out through various quality control measures in a well-equipped laboratory with ultra modern & sophisticated analytical instruments.

The greatest tribute to the high quality products produced by DHCPL is the acknowledgement by various users that DHCPL products are superior to those available in the domestic market with lower Sulphur & Benzene content.

The company has plans to manufacture other petrochemical solvents as import substitutes like Heptanes, Electronic Grade Hydrocarbons and allied specialty products. A valuable feature of ‘DHCPL’ is cent-percent indigenous nature. The technical know-how, the equipments in the plant and the raw materials used are fully indigenous.
Mainly the plant is setup on BATCH PROCESS to maintain lowest impurity levels. A close monitoring of the specification of the products is carried out through various quality control measures in a well-equipped laboratory with ultra modern & sophisticated analytical instruments.
The greatest tribute to the high quality products produced by DHCPL is the acknowledgement by various users that DHCPL products are superior to those available in the domestic market with lower Sulphur & Benzene content.
Our Products

N-Pentane is a chain-like hydrocarbon from the alkane group with the chemical formula C5H12. It is the straight representative of the Pentane isomers.

Iso-Pentane is the first branched, liquid hydrocarbon or paraffin. This group of substances is also called alkanes. The iso-Pentane has a chemical formula of C5H12

Cyclopentane is the first ring-shaped, naturally occurring hydrocarbon. It is present in very small quantities in crude oil, the most common source being naphtha from crackers.

Petroleum Ether consists of volatile fraction derived from petroleum and is composed essentially of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons in varying proportions.